func_clip | |
Type |
brush |
Status |
supported |
Allows you to set up a fake clipping object. It's fake in that sense, that it only operates server-side, thus might be laggy, and allows more object filtering than the default collision hulls. For clip brushes that block players, but not monsters, try making a func_wall with clip brushes and add a null-textured brush to it so the compile tools allow it.
1 Keyvalues
Direction tolerance : frags
If the 'Directional'-flag is set, this value specifies the minimum required (smaller) angle between an entity's movement vector and the func_clip's negated blocking vector to still be allowed to pass. E.g., when the func_clip's yaw was 90 degrees (pointing north/up) and direction tolerance was set to 179, you'd only be able to pass the func_clip when walking towards it from south in a straight line pointing quite exactly towards north.
2 Flags
1 : Start off
If set, the func_clip starts disabled and won't block anything. Turning it on while something is inside might stuck it, depending on whether it is affected by this func_clip and how the directional settings of the func_clip are setup.
2 : Directional (angles)
If ticked, the func_clip will block only in the direction specified by the angles-keyvalue, using a tolerance of 'Direction tolerance'. (see below)
4 : No clients
If set, players can pass the func_clip seemlessly.
8 : Monsters
If set, monsters cannot pass.
16 : Pushables
If set, pushables cannot pass.
32 : Everything else
If set, all other entities not governed by the above three flags cannot pass.
64 : item_inv (throw)
If selected, blocks players from throwing inventory items (item_inventory) through this entity.
3 Changes
5.0 Steam Release: Added 'item_inv (throw)' flag.