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The weaponbox originates from Half-Life, where it would be dropped by dead players, containing the weapon they held in the moment of their deaths as well as all their ammunition. In Sven Co-op, the weaponbox can only be explicitly placed into the map by the mapper.

1 Keyvalues

Gravity Setting : movetype

Determines how items behave after spawn. 'Fall to the ground' makes entity fall to first brush beneath it. Note that not all entities with collision may block items to fall through them. Set 'Hover in the air' so items won't move or fall from it's starting position.

Custom Model : model

You can set the custom model (w_model) for this item here. That will NOT replace default v_model and p_model of item.

Skin : skin

Model skin to use, if model have multiple skins.

Body : skin

Model body to use, if model have multiple bodies.

Sequence Name : skin

Default model sequence name to set.

Animation Sequence (Number) : skin

Change model sequence by specifying it's number.

Custom min hullsize (X Y Z) : minhullsize

If set, this will overwrite the monster's default minimum hullsize. Minimum and maximum hullsize form a solid cuboid which define the monster's collision hull. Think of them as two span-vectors originating from the monster's origin.

Custom max hullsize (X Y Z) : maxhullsize

If set, this will overwrite the monster's default maximum hullsize. Minimum and maximum hullsize form a solid cuboid which define the monster's collision hull. Think of them as two span-vectors originating from the monster's origin.

Sound Replacement File : soundlist

Set the path to a sound replacement file for the weaponbox. The path begins in 'svencoop/sound/mapname', whereas 'mapname' would be your map's name. You can go to the parent directory using '../'. A valid sound replacement file contains one or more lines with two sound-paths, which are seperated by a space and wrapped into quotes. The first sound is the sound to be replaced. The second sound is the new sound. Sound-paths start in the sound directory. You cannot go to the parent directory using '../' in that case. These sounds do not need to be precached using a custom_precache point entity.

Custom Respawn Time : m_flCustomRespawnTime

Customize pickup respawn delay in seconds.

Lot's of self-explanatory keyvalues for ammo supply (value of all ammo types is an exact amount of ammo).

2 Flags

128 : TOUCH only

Pick weapon up only by touching it.

256 : USE only

Pick weapon up only by using it ('USE' key).

512 : Can use w/o LoS

Player can pick up this weapon even when it's not in his line of sight.

1024 : Disable respawn

Disables default item respawning.

3 Notes

If either 'TOUCH only' and 'USE only' flags are selected, the item can only be collected via trigger, but only if player is the !activator. Item can be collected on trigger, touch and use when none of flags above are selected.

4 Changes

5.0 Steam Release: Added 'Custom Respawn Time' keyvalue, 'TOUCH only', 'USE only', 'Can use w/o LoS' flags.5.05: Added rockets key to allow rockets to be picked up from weapon box.