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When triggered, temporarily swaps the player's view with that of the camera, and has the camera follow a path, if set up that way. This is usually used for cut-scenes. Set the camera target to make trigger_camera look at this target, e.g. set it to func_train and camera will look at this func_train (this train need origin brush), you can also use info_target for this. By default, camera moves among path made by path_corners, smooths it's movement in the whole path, and facing target (when no target specified, the camera takes it's angles). Triggering another camera when previous is still playing overrides first camera.

1 Keyvalues

AS Mouse Event Callback Name : m_iszASMouseEventCallbackName

Name of AngelScript method to call on camera mouse events. Visit Sven Coop forums for more.

AS Key Input Callback Name : m_iszASKeyInputCallbackName

Name of AngelScript method to call on camera input events. Visit Sven Coop forums for more.

Set Player Targetname : m_iszOverridePlayerTargetname

Set player's targetname to new value when they use the camera, and revert those changes after finishing using it.

Target when player starts using : m_iszTargetWhenPlayerStartsUsing

Target to trigger when player starts using this camera.

Target when player stops using : m_iszTargetWhenPlayerStopsUsing

Target to trigger when player stops using this camera.

Target when turned off : m_iszTurnedOffTarget

Target to trigger when camera is turned off (e.g. when camera hold time expires).

Max players : max_player_count

Maximum number of players that can be using this camera at once, only applicable when 'All players' flag is disabled.

Target: Player tried to use, but the Max Players reached : max_player_target

Entity to trigger when player attempts to use the camera but 'Max players' limit has been reached.

HUD: Health and Battery : hud_health

Specify if health and battery counters hud elements should be hidden during camera view.

HUD: Flashlight : hud_flashlight

Specify if flashlight indicator hud element should be hidden during camera view.

HUD: Weapons : hud_weapons

Specify if weapon belt and ammo bar hud elements should be hidden during camera view.

Custom Cursor (Sprite) : cursor_sprite

Name of custom sprite that will be used as the mouse cursor during camera view.

Hold time : wait

How many seconds camera controls player view. Player recovers his view and all camera effects are exterminated after that.

Path Corner : moveto

Name of path_corner this camera spawns at. Path_corners are entities that connected with each other creates path. For static camera leave this empty. Supports path_track as well (but does no big difference).

Initial Speed : speed

Starting speed of camera when camera is moving.

Acceleration units/sec^2 : acceleration

Amount of units the camera accelerates each second (if it's moving). Doesn't work when "Instant Move" is selected.

Stop Deceleration units/sec^2 : deceleration

Amount of units the camera accelerates each second (if it's moving). Seems to not working for camera. It is not required anyway, the camera actually smooth it's movement very well. Doesn't work when "Instant Move" is selected.

Camera Rotation Speed : turnspeed

Camera rotation speed. Camera does not rotate itself as that, it also won't rotate within path_corners/path_tracks (only micro rotations when camera moves smoothly ("Instant Move" not selected) and tries to keep target on the center of the screen). The camera only rotates from starting angle to face it's target when "Instant Turn is selected". The starting angle is a default angle of the camera, if "start at player" is set, the starting angle is a player angle.

Click Action/Param : <different>

2 Flags

1 : Start at Player

Camera starts at player position, after that it will gradually switch to path_corner route. If no path_corner specified, the camera will move at the direction the player was looking at and won't stop until hold time reach it's limit.

2 : Follow Player

Uses player(!activator) as a target to looking at.

4 : Freeze Player

Players can't move until end of camera movement.

8 : All Players

All players will be affected by trigger_camera (not only the !activator).

16 : Force View

Force camera view whenever player is dead or not.

32 : No Instant Turn

If selected, the camera won't smooths its's rotation FROM starting angles TO face target, instea it will turn instantanously. If "Start at Player" is selected, the player's facing direction is the camera starting angle. If flag is not selected, the camera start facing it's target, and the rotation speed is non-functional. If no "Target" specified, the flag is obsolete.

64 : Instant Move

If selected, the camera is moving from path to path without any movement smoothing.

128 : Mouse Cursor

Enable mouse cursor. Now all trigger_cameratarget entities are allowed to be clicked (until hold time ends).

256 : Player Invulnerable

Players cannot be hurt when view is swapped. Use it as often as possible to avoid monster attacking you while cutscene is in progress.

512 : Ignore Hold Time

Camera ignores hold time and will be turned off then retriggered.

3 Notes

The best way to make camera rotate is to "Target" the entity. The camera will face entity specified in "Target" field, it could be info_target, monster or even another train. If you make a train that moves in a same path as trigger_camera, but it's a little further in a path, the camera will face always the direction that it moves.When targeting func_train or other brush-based entity, the ORIGIN brush tied to those entities is required.

4 Changes

5.06: Added 'Exit Camera' action parameter in all 'Click Action/Param' keyvalues.5.11: Added 'AS Mouse Event Callback Name', (...) and 'Custom Cursor (Sprite)' keyvalues, changes 'No Instant Turn' flag, added 'Ignore Hold Time' flag.5.15: Added 'AS Key Input Callback Name' keyvalue.