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Player_loadsaved is used to restart map after screen fade and custom on-screen message.


Fade Duration (seconds) : duration

Time, in seconds, the fade effect will fade in.

Hold Fade (seconds) : holdtime

Time, in seconds, the fully faded-in screen will stay.

Fade Alpha : renderamt

Set how transparent/opaque the effect is at its peak (Hold fade). 0 means transparent. 255 means opaque.

Fade Color (R G B) : rendercolor

Fade color to use.

Show Message Delay : messagetime

Delay after triggering this entity to display text.

Message To Display : message

Text to show on screen.

Reload Delay : loadtime

Delay after triggering this entity to restart level

. Note that this time is not calculated after screen finished fading so by setting this value you should consider fade duration and hold fade time r.g. fade duration is 2 and hold time is 1.5. Preferable value for reload delay would be 2 + 1.5 = 3.5.