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A brush entity, which rotates constantly. Can be disabled and enabled, at which it may accelerate/decelerate. Requires origin brush around which entity rotates.

1 Keyvalues

Rotation speed : speed

Rotation speed in degrees per second. E.g., '360' would make it do one whole turn per second, regardless of its size.

Volume : volume

Set the volume of the sound emitted by the func_rotating. Volume value ranges from 0 to 10.

Friction : fanfriction

Set the friction to be used when the 'Acc/Dcc'-flag is set. Ranges from 0 to 100. Avoid 0 and 100. Theoretically, greater friction means longer spin-up time and shorter spin-down time. However, in game, greater friction means faster spin-up time and faster spin-down time.

Fan sounds : sounds

Set the sound to be played while the func_rotating is activated.

WAV name : message

Allows you to specify a custom rotation-sound.

Obey Trigger Mode : m_iObeyTriggerMode

Originally, func_door would not interpret use-types "Off" and "On" as "Toggle". This keyvalue allows you to use "On" to open the door and "Off" to close the door. You can also set this to have the door react to "On"- and "Off"-triggering while it is moving, and go closing when it is currently opening and vice versa.

Damage inflicted when blocked : dmg

Set the amount of damage to inflict on the object blocking the func_rotation's rotation.

2 Flags

1 : Start on

If set, this func_rotating starts enabled.

2 : Reverse direction

If set, this inverts the rotation direction.

4 : X-axis

If set, this will rotate around the x-axis.

8 : Y-axis

If set, this will rotate around the y-axis.

16 : Acc/Dcc

If set, the func_rotating will smoothly accelerate and decelerate when turned on/off, based on the friction value.

32 : Fan pain

If set, the func_rotating will inflict damage when touched, instead of only when blocked by something.

64 : Not solid

Removes solidity from this func_rotating, making it harmless.

128 : Small radius

Small sound radius. Can be combined for 'Medium radius' and 'Large radius'.

256 : Medium radius

Medium sound radius. Can be combined for 'Small radius' and 'Large radius'.

512 : Large radius

Large sound radius. Can be combined for 'Small radius' and 'Medium radius'.

3 Issues

Func_rotating won't react to frequent triggering properly. It might stay in whatever state it is when triggered consecutively.The entity might start to behave unexpectedly after many rotations. You can fix this by taking its angles modulo 360.0 using a trigger_copyvalue.