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Similar to func_rotating, this entity simulates a pendulum, using the center of an origin brush tied to it as rotation point.

1 Keyvalues

Speed : speed

Speed of rotation in a moment of full swing speed. Remember that pendulum smooth it's movement while changing direction. Also the speed is gradually decreased when "Damping" keyvalue is set.

Distance (deg) : distance

Distance in which pendulum is swinging (counter clockwise). It rotates around z axis by default (if either "X Axis" and "Y Axis" flags are not selected). Remember that starting position of func_pendulum is not it's rotation center. The pendulum will rotate the whole distance e.g. if it's positioned horizontally, and distance is set to 90, func_pendulum will rotate itself from starting horizontal position to ending vertical position.

Damping (0-1000) : damp

If set, the pendulum will slows itself gradually when activated, until it completely stops. Higher values makes pendulum stops quicker. Values like 600, 700 gives only several seconds for pendulum to stop. I you need realistic pendulum deceleration, you should be satisfied with values like 10, 20 or 30. Precise mathematical mechanics behind "Damping" are unknown.

Damage inflicted when blocked : dmg

Amount of damage to deal to entities that are blocking it. Only makes sense when "Passable" flag is not selected.

2 Flags

1 : Start ON

Entity is enabled on start. If "Damping" is specified, it will gradually decelerates at map start.

8 : Passable

Disables collision of func_pendulum.

16 : Auto Return

If selected, the pendulum returns to it's starting position when triggered. By default, it's stops at position where it has been triggered. Whenever this flag is selected or no, func_pendulum is toggleable entity.

64 : X Axis

If selected, the pendulum will rotate around X axis. Can be combined with "Y Axis". If either this flag and "Y Axis" are not selected, the pendulum rotates around z axis.

128 : Y Axis

If selected, the pendulum will rotate around Y axis. Can be combined with "X Axis". If either this flag and "Y Axis" are not selected, the pendulum rotates around z axis.

3 Issues

Triggering func_pendulum without "Auto Return" flag may break it's rotation range.Func_pendulum is a little glitchy. Move distance might be increased, decreased or relocated by unknown reasons.Func_pendulum won't react to frequent triggering properly. It might stay in whatever state it is when triggered consecutively.