Spraylogos are images you can place on most surfaces multiplayer games, with the exception of models. Spraylogos in GoldSrc tend to vary in height and width depending on their dimensions. GoldSrc Spraylogos are 8-bit meaning that they are restricted to 256 colours with only 1 of which is available for transparency.
1 What will you need
- HLtagconverter
- Wally Wad Editor
- An image editing program (for this tutorial I will be working in photoshop).
2 The basics
Default GoldSrc spraylogos are selected in the multiplayers tab, but in making your own you do not use this selector. A custom spraylogo consists of a .WAD file called "tempdecal.wad" that is saved in your root game directory. Some common directories include
- Counter-Strike
- Sven Co-op
\Steam\steamapps\common\Sven Co-op\svencoop
- Day of Defeat
- Team Fortress Classic
- Half-Life
- Death Match Classic
- 3rd-paty mods
3 Resolutions
The resolutions of GoldSrc spraylogos are quite low, however their dimensions are more forgiving than in source engine. The available sizes in pixels are as follows:
Now since we have covered the basics we can proceed to image preparation and creation of your spraylogo: