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Similar to func_rot_button except that this is a special button-type entity which will only turn while you use it. It is applicable on entities which change states gradually, as a momentary_door does. The origin brush is required for this entity, around which this entity rotates.

1 Keyvalues

Target : target

Name of momentary_door entity to move along this momentary_rot_button.

Speed : speed

Speed at which the button rotates (around z axis by default) when pressed, unless 'Don't move' is set. The button rotates counter-clockwise.

Master : master

Allows you to specify the name of a multisource entity to lock/unlock this button.

Sounds : sounds

The set of sounds for this button to use whenever it's pressed/locked e.t.c.

Distance (deg) : distance

How many degrees the button rotates around it's origin axis (z axis by default). Can be negative.

Auto-return speed : returnspeed

If "Auto Return" flag is enabled, this is the speed in which button turns back into it's starting position. Can be set to 0, so the button won't close itself (it's equally to disabling "Auto Return" flag though).

Sound Override : noise

Custom sound, that overrides default sound from "Sounds" list to play when the button is pressed. It will play when the button is locked, too.

Use Type : use_type

Set the use-type with which the button will fire its targets. Default is 'Toggle'.

2 Flags

1 : Door Hack

If selected along other momentary_rot_buttons, this will move all buttons with the same target value synchronously- when one of the buttons with the same target as another button moves (is being used/auto returning), the another button moves as well.

2 : Not Useable

Button need to be triggered to move- it's unusable.

16 : Auto Return

Button turns back to it's starting position automatically after player stop using it. Enables "Auto-return speed".

64 : X-axis

If set, this will rotate around the x-axis.

128 : Y-axis

If set, this will rotate around the y-axis.

3 Changes

5.0 Steam Release: Added 'Sound Override', 'Start Sound Override', 'Move Sound Override' and 'Break Sound Override' keyvalues.5.11: Added 'Use Type' keyvalue.